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OVED welcomes The Honourable Professor Irwin Cotler, PC, OC, OQ, as Honorary Co-Chair

George Preger, co-founder and CEO of OVED for Human Rights, on behalf of the OVED team, is honoured to announce the appointment of The Honourable Professor Irwin Cotler, PC, OC, OQ, as our new Honorary Co-Chair.

Professor Cotler is a world-renowned civil rights lawyer and founder of The Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights, and was very recently nominated as Co-Chair of a group of 300 + global NGOs advocating for targeted sanctions perpetrating human rights and corruption.

Professor Cotler is Canada’s Special Envoy, targeting antisemitism and hate, appointed by Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Professor Cotler represented the riding of Mount Royal, Quebec from 1999 to 2015 and served as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada from 2003 to 2006 in the Liberal Government of Paul Martin.

On the international scene, Professor Cotler acted as defence council for luminaries like Nelson Mandela, Natan Sharansky and numerous others, too many to be mentioned all by name.

In 2019, Professor Cotler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Price.

In closing, we feel deeply honoured that professor Cotler has agreed to work with us in an honorary capacity.